Shiny new additions to the Freedom Mobility fleet

NissanDisabilityVannoBG2 470x405 - Shiny new additions to the Freedom Mobility fleet

Over the past 6 to 12 months our operations team has been hard at work, making room for an influx of new vehicles. It’s all part of our commitment not just to having the highest standards of safety, reliability and sustainability, but also making our customers’ experience that little more special.

It comes off the back of a difficult and unusual period for sourcing vehicles, as Margaret Hawkes, Freedom Mobility’s Managing Director, makes clear. “During the COVID-19 period, the demand for our highly-specialised, adapted vehicles reached an all-time high. Importing new vans into New Zealand was nearly impossible, creating challenges across many industries,” says Margaret. “ACC, who would normally help its long-term injury clients into privately adapted vans, relied heavily on us to supply much-needed rental vehicles to their clients. The demand was huge, and we know how important these modified vehicles are to our customers’ independence and well-being. So, we were determined to be part of the solution. We scoured New Zealand for a variety of second-hand vans, ensuring they were meticulously inspected and maintained to meet our stringent safety standards. Vehicle Adaptions in Christchurch also played a critical role in adapting many of the vehicles we brought in. A big thank-you to the Vehicle Adaptions team for their help over the last few years!”

With things getting back to normal, our operations team switched gears. “Now that the van shortage is behind us, we’re excited to focus on upgrading our fleet,” says Georgia Van Sambeek, Operations Coordinator at Freedom Mobility. “It’s been a significant project, but we’re committed to making sure our customers drive away feeling safe and confident in our vehicles.”

Meanwhile, the existing vehicles that have served us and our customers so well are due for disposal. “While it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to some of our trusty vehicles that have kept so many people mobile, this is a crucial part of our broader strategy to continually improve our service offerings,” adds Margaret. “It’s an upgrade that shows our commitment to continuous improvement and our very high safety standards. We look forward to providing even more people with the best transportation solutions for their needs.”