You might have seen this recent article on how much ACC is spending on taxis for injured people, and how many users get let down by ‘no-shows’ and other problems. It’s a dreadful shame, most especially because it doesn’t have to be this way.
We supply hand-control and other modified vehicles all the time to ACC claimants. And the difference it makes is incredible, as this story from Tamara makes clear. So why are so many injured people stuck waiting on taxis that never show or are dreadfully late?
Good questions. The answer, it would seem, is simply a lack of awareness about the option of hiring a modified vehicle. We’ve produced a number of video’s of our customers making it clear that a hand-control car is not only a better option all round, it often proves cheaper than taxi’s. Plus we are already an approved way to go.
One of the problems is that not everyone is aware that it’s an option. Or they might think it’s too hard to get approved, or that it would be viewed as an extravagant option. On the contrary, all the evidence shows that providing users with a hand-control car not only makes life easier all round for them, it aids their recovery. And it is often cheaper anyway if people have to take multiple taxi rides for work and to get to medical appointments.
So if you are talking with your ACC consultant about transport options, do encourage them to look into providing a modified vehicle. It’s not setting a precedent, ACC does it all the time. And with recent coverage of their blow-out on taxi costs, it can be seen to be doing the right thing for their organisation as well as your recovery.